Gospel Crusades

Gospel is being proclaimed in villages and cities through Gospel meetings. People come in thousands to such meetings to listen to the Word of God whatever their caste, creed, or race. Large numbers of non-christians attend and many have been saved and are today followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. To those who have committed their lives to Jesus Christ in such Gospel meetings, there is a follow-up ministry to establish them in Christ.

"And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people" - Matthew 9:35

Since the mission began there have been many Hindus willing to make a commitment to give up their many gods and worship the living God. This commitment is demonstrated in their active involvement in the local church, and obedience in taking baptism. The decision to become a Christian in India is not taken lightly as it frequently involves persecution and rejection by the family of those who make that decision.